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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Givin it up for lent

So yesterday was pancake day. Que a list as long as a donkeys dick on Facebook where everyone documents their 'superfun' making and eating of fried batter.

Bore off.If you were having that much of a riveting time you wouldn't be thinking of posting about it on Facetits.
But that is another post in itself.

Following Shrove Tuesday is lent, now my limited knowledge of the history of all this is that all the flour, eggs and tasty shit was fried up and eaten the Tuesday before its all given up for lent so Jesus is happy or something.

Not sure how much of this I have made up, if you care that much you should totes wiki it.

Anyway so the subject of what everyone is 'giving up' for lent has come up. Now I feel, much like New Years resolutions that you shouldn't really try to give up something you actually like and enjoy, like bacon, chocolate or porn as there is no point as you won't succeed and everyone needs their guilty pleasures.
Spoke like the true heathen I am.

Anyway you are much better off giving up something that you hate, or don't eat, use, or do anyway.
In this mind frame I present to you my list I have given up for lent...

1. Heroin.
 Don't get me wrong initially it sounds like it could be pretty fun, but in the words of Russell Brand 'Its quite moreish'

2. Dogging.
The thought of two wrinklies going at it while a load of blokes stand about wanking doesn't really appeal. So I can give that up.

3. Baked beans.
These are vile little pods of evil served in the spunk of satan. If there is even a drop of 'bean juice' on a plate of food I wont eat it. So its a pretty easy one for me to give up for lent too.

So there you go. I recs I have this lent shit down.

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