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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Lavender state of mind.

For some reason I am currently obsessed with the colour lilac.

Quite where this obsession has come from I am unsure as its not the colour de jour fashion wise (  hues of orange, yellow and red all hot right now if your wondering) but I cant seem to step away from it.

It started with me bleaching the shit out of my hair, and putting one of those violet toners on it.
I wanted my hair to be 'lavender blonde' ( I didn't know the name of it at the time and was calling it old lady purple rinse) With the vague hope of it looking something like this....

HOWEVER... I don't look like the wondrous Rhianna, or Lady Ga Ga or that other randomly gorgeous gal. Unfortunately.
I enjoy troweling on the slap, and my look is more little old lady chic than tasseled batty riders ( I'm looking at you Rhianna)  I was slightly concerned I would look more like this...

Well... as it transpired I didnt even get it as lilac as Dame edna.
It went sort of grey/blue in random patches. I think I will have to wait till I can get my hair a glorious sparkly white before it goes the purple I am so lusting over.

So to feed my addiction I will have to make do with the gorgeous manicure that I had done at Nails at the Painted Lady
A lovely pastel grape colour. Its chipped now so I wont show you, but it lasted a good week of me flapping my hands about to show it off.
I have also been wearing a giant purple beast of a mohair cardigan ( old school marks and sparks from a chazzer, that label is charity shop gold!)
Not exactly practical in this warm weather, but I am wearing it and sweating none the less.
Basically I look like this...
Mokey is not a fashion icon to be sniffed at.
Now if you will excuse me I have some beetroot to eat as I hear it does wonderous things to  your wee....

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